Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

We participate in the “Logic and Complexity” part of the GDR–IM (CNRS Research Group on Mathematical Computer Science), in the projects “Logic, Algebra and Computation” (mixing algebraic and logical systems) and “Geometry of Computation” (using geometrical and topological methods in computer science).

FRAE QUARTEFT (2009-2012)

Participants : Jean-Christophe Bach, Horatiu Cirstea, Pierre-Etienne Moreau.

“QUARTEFT: QUAlifiable Real TimE Fiacre Transformations” is a research project funded by the FRAE (Fondation de Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace). A first goal is to develop an extension of the Fiacre intermediate language to support real-time constructs. A second goal is to develop new model transformation techniques to translate this extended language, Fiacre-RT, into core Fiacre. One of the main difficulties consists in proposing transformation techniques that could be verified in a formal way. A more detailed presentation is available at http://quarteft.loria.fr/dokuwiki/ .